RARA-AVIS: One man's ceiling is another man's floor.....

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 16:53:25 -0500 >I couldn't think of
>too many well-known hard-boiled titles in which an exotic locale is a major
>theme (or cross-cultural navigation).

Actually, for much of the world, American cities are exotic locations, the
mythic great wrong places that Auden spoke of.

And even most Americans, I'm sure, safe (supposedly) in the burbs, view
these fictional crime and corruption-riddled cesspools as rather exotic.

Kevin Smith
The Thrilling Detective Web Site

Coming soon, the February issue, with the results of The 1998 Cheap Thrills
And thrilling detective fiction from Robert Iles and Leigh Brackett.

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