Fleming always thoughtthat Bond looked like Hoagy Carmical.
Until they
were talking about making a movie. Then he wanted Cary grant.
understand he sold the movie rights to dr. No for $12,500, so
he could buy
one of those Ford Skyliners with the retractable hard
I think it's cool that a civil servant can be issued a
license to kill by
his bosses. I understand that's the goal of the US Postal
But I do have a question. I believe Bond's personal choice of
weapons was
a .28 caliber Beretta. My friend insists it was a .25
Beretta, that there
never has been a .28 Beretta. Can anybody give me a
definitive answer?
And why this particular weapon should be his favorite? (I
understand why
the British government wants him to carry a more powerful
On a related note, I always felt that England's Prince Andrew
should be
the next James Bond. He was trained as a commando, worked as
an actor,
and who wouldn't believe him when he says he's on Her
Majesty's Business?
Cheerios! (are good with milk.)
Frederick Zackel
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