RARA-AVIS: Bookstore Categories

Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:38:59 EST My local mystery/crime book store has these sections: suspense, hard-boiled
American (which is mostly P.I., I think), soft-boiled, spy-thrillers, police
procedurals, crimes in other cultures, women sleuths, classic mystery, and
British detectives. I might have missed one or two (there's also a bargain
table, and a section of PBOs). I think it works out well for buyer and
seller. A buyer can look by type and discover something he or she wasn't
looking for. Because there is obviously overlap, one has to look in more than
one place--which compels extra browsing and presumably extra sales. Finally
though, the store works (at least the few times I've been there) because the
staff is incredibly knowledgable.

Doug Levin
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