: How does one read a Gold Medal paperback when the binding
is so
: brittle it snaps on page one?
How far back are you bending it? Some of old Gold Medals I've
found are
pretty dry but they stay in fine shape if I hold them with
both hands and
keep the gutter, I guess it is, squidged in fairly tight. If
you're used
to cracking the spine back so paperbacks lay flat on the
table this may
seem awkward, but it's what I do all the time and it's not
hard to read.
Sometimes they're too far gone and there isn't anything you
can do unless
you decide not to read it.
It seems gluing gets worse over the years so who knows what
the paperbacks
we're buying now (like the Block _Hit Man_ I just picked up)
will be like
in 35 years.
-- William Denton <URL:http://www.vex.net/~buff/> Toronto, Ontario, Canada Caveat lector.
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