RARA-AVIS: early westlake and blurbs

Thu, 14 Jan 1999 22:18:59 EST Duane:

<< People have been saying good things on the list about THE AX. Obviously,
there's a big contingent of Westlake fans on this list. However, how are
its sales out in the bookselling world? >>

My sense was that the book did pretty well. It certainly got coverage beyond
the mystery reviews and even the book review. The Washington Post did a big
Style section piece on the book and on Westlake, I think (maybe it was the NY

I like blurbs that excerpt negative reviews. My reprint of YOU PLAY THE
BLACK [etc.] has "A pretty slick job." on the back cover. The sentence was
"...this book is a phoney, but it is a pretty slick job."

Doug Levin
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