: And this reminded me of something William Denton mentioned
a few days ago:
: "....Arlo Guthrie doesn't seem like he'd read Himes."
: I dunno. This is the son who walks in the father's
footprints, and it
: was Woody himself who wrote a zillion socialist anthems,
about bank
: robbers and farmers, killers and Christ, very down on big
money and
: the slimy, corrupt powers that be.
I thought about Woody but didn't mention him. I've always
thought of Arlo
as much more friendly and non-threatening, but I don't know
much about
him. Woody I've always admired, and ... let me see ... ah, I
was right.
"'Woody and Jim took to each other like a pair of old
hoboes,' Gordon
Friesen marvels. 'You could see that they had a lot in
common.' Thompson
apparently pleased the singer with his knowledge of Haywire
Mac and the
Texas Wobblies." That's from _Savage Art: A Biography of Jim
by Robert Polito.
-- William Denton <URL:http://www.vex.net/~buff/> Toronto, Ontario, Canada Caveat lector.
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