Speaking of Westlake, what's the take on The Ax? I just
finished it and
enjoyed it--its breeziness is unsettling. It is also dark and
hard (its
protagonist a white-collar Lou Ford, perhaps), but doesn't
feel particularly
so. I also found its simplicity (plot-wise) oddly compelling
(or maybe it's
not so simple).
In other hard-boiled reading, I found Bart Spicer's _The Long
Green_ a little
flat. A word of advice on other Carney Wilde books would be
great. Arthur
Lyons' _The Killing Floor_ was pretty good I thought. Strong
action, though
you didn't want to think too hard about the pieces (though
Chandler had that
problem too, of course). Any recommendations about other
Jacob Asch books?
Doug Levin
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