volente Deo,
Anthony Dauer
Practice random acts of Xeroxing ...
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Bill Hagen
Sent: Friday, January 08, 1999 4:23 PM
Duane points to a risk in using product names--that a
subsequent generation
of readers won't "get it," because the product has changed
identity (been
nationalized by the company that bought it out) or is no
longer in
existence. John Updike's famous little story "A. & P." is
accompanied by explanation of the title, when it is
anthologized. In the
case of Dr. Pepper, to make it indicative of a certain region
(at a certain
time?), you'd show a preference for drinking it warm (as it
was in the
mountains of Virginia). That is, you'd create a scene or
situation in
which gave it a "character" any reader would pick up.
To "fill" a story with products, however, would "fix" it in a
place and time, even give it a sort of planned obsolescence.
If it was
good enough to be reprinted often, I guess, at a certain
point, it would
need footnotes.
I guess... What do the writers think?
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