: I don't quite get the connection between dope and porn.
People who
: like porn certainly need not be narcotics addicts.... But
: seems to be saying what cliche-driven politicians say about
porn and
: drugs--"soul destroying," addictive, a creation of
: criminals who don't know or care that they are creating a
: which will come back and torture the creators themselves,
and cause
: innocent people irrecoverable damage.
It's been three years or so since I read this, so my memories
vague, but let me ask: is Ellroy actually saying, or
implying, this,
or is he just sort of assuming it and using it, since that
was the
attitude of the time? All kinds of deviancy were lumped
-- William Denton <URL:http://www.vex.net/~buff/> Toronto, Ontario, Canada Caveat lector.
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