RARA-AVIS: Hardman by Ralph Dennis
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 18:41:14 EST
While flipping through some old fanzines (can't remember which)
I came across
a piece on a men's adventure series, published by Popular
Library in the
mid-70s, called Hardman, written by Ralph Dennis. The author
wrote that Dennis
had died in relative obscurity, working at a used bookstore the
last years of
his life. The synopsis of the series intrigued me and went on a
hunt for some
copies. After a long search I was able to come up with the
first book in the
series, ATLANTA DEATHWATCH. Halfway through this one, I gotta
say this is some
of the best writing I've seen in the genre (men's adventure,
whatever). Tough marketed as MA, this is very much an
Hardman is a disgraced ex-cop who becomes a P.I. who'll "take
on just about
any case, especially the nasty ones." The writing and
characters (Hardman's
sidekick is an ex-football player named Hump) very much remind
me of Joe
Lansdale. Anyone else out there have any run-ins with Hardman?
Does the
writing stay this consistent throughout the series? How many
volumes in the
series? I also ran across a reprinting of one of the later
KNIFE'S BACK IN TOWN, reprinted by Pinnacle in the early 1980s.
Anybody know
how many were reprinted?
Peter Enfantino (the completist)
Deadline Press
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