Re: RARA-AVIS: the city and the country

MT (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 20:56:52 -0500 Gary Niebuhr:

<<I am reading a book right now which is the second in the "La Crosse
trilogy." The author is Rick Harsch, and last year he produced a work
called THE DRIFTLESS ZONE. It featured some noirish folks in small town
Wisconsin doing bad things to each other. It was a remarkable work in
its unique and fresh approach to this area, and I liked it. However, it
was not considered for nomination by the Wisconsin Literary Awards
Committee (on which I sit).>>

Thanks to Gary for posting this information. Who publishes Harsch's
books? I am very interested in small-town and rural mysteries -- besides
which, I have relatives in Lacrosse itself and friends in neighboring
towns and I know the land there. I will be glad to report my impression
of Hartsch's books to the list.

On this topic, it's worth mentioning once again Harold Adams, a
formidable hardboiled writer with a low profile. His wonderful series of
P.I. novels featuring Carl Wilcox and set in the Midwest during the
Depression is recommendable not just to lovers of the hardboiled but to
all mystery fans. Adams, like K.C. Constantine, is a master. You would
never know it from the best-seller list, but then, there are lots of
things you would never know by looking at the best-seller list...


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