RARA-AVIS: The Lowest of the Lowe

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 22:19:23 -0500 Eddie wrote:
>Nick Lowe of course can be credited (and this is where I nudge this post
>into a vaguely relevant area) with 'Endless Grey Ribbon', a paeon to
>driving through night 'in the hard driving rain', which must surely
>count for something on this list.

Lowe could also be credited with producing Elvis Costello's version of
Watching the Detectives, which probably counts for something, too....

And Johnny Cash recorded one of the nastiest hardboiled songs of recent
memory, Delia's Gone.
"Hard to watch her suffer, so with the second shot she died...."

And now we're being urged to read "Get Carlene Carter"?


Kevin Smith
The Thrilling Detective Web Site

This month: New fiction by Terry White and Henry Mazel,
and Stand-Alone Private Eye Novels

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