Re: RARA-AVIS: Return of the Native

MT (
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:25:50 -0500 Doug Levin:

<<IPL reprinted the book, so it's around. Other than _Solomon's
Vineyard_, are other Latimer books available or recommended? And is IPL
still around?>>

IPL reprinted all of Latimer's novels. I would highly recommend them
all. As far as I know, this publisher is still in business -- I see
their books in the shelves of good bookstores. They provide an excellent
service to fans of the good old stuff. I don't know if their complete
reissue of E. Richard Johnson is still in print; I somehow doubt it.
They also reissued Margaret Millar, which allowed me to fill several
gaps in my collection.


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