RARA-AVIS: Is it a full moon or what?

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 08:07:06 -0500 First William F. Limbacher wrote:
>Well, even with BIG misgivings about ever buying anything that Ed
>Gorman had anything to do with,....the book section (edited by Gorman) sucks
>I mean Ed Gorman would be the hands-down gold medalist in both
>hack writing and hack editing in the Hack Olympics...My advice -- save
>your money!

Why are we even bothering discussing this? There's obviously some personal
stuff going on here...maybe Gorman shot Limbacher's dog, or boinked his
wife or boinked his dog and shot his wife or something....the whole thing
seems to tell us more about Limbacher than Gorman or the book...

And then the post by Natalia de Lemeny - Makedonova?

Call out your instigators, cos there's something in the air....


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