RARA-AVIS: Automated reminder about The Readings

William Denton (buff@vex.net)
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 03:00:01 -0500 (EST) Last updated: 10 October 1998.

This is an automated reminder about The Readings.

01 Oct 1998 - _Phantom Lady_, Cornell Woolrich
01 Nov 1998 - _I Was Dora Suarez_, Derek Raymond
01 Dec 1998 - _The Simple Art of Murder_, Raymond Chandler
01 Jan 1999 - More non-American stuff (Dan Kavanagh? Ted Lewis? Mark
Timlin? Sebastien Japrisot)

For the newer subscribers: the readings are fairly informal, and meant to
take you back to older books you may not have read in a while, and to
introduce you to writers you may not know. Subscribers range from English
professors and graduate students to people with a new interest in the
sub-genre, so discussion ranges all over, and any comments are welcome.
They are in no way meant to distract from the usual discussions.

Suggestions for future selections are welcome.

General Note: Please remember when sending a reply to cut down quoted
text as much as necessary. Conserve bandwith.

Bill Denton, List-Owner

William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector.
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