RARA-AVIS: The new Crimetime (Was:So *that's* what 'ponce'..)

E J M Duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:05:27 -0800 On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Peter Walker <pw@pw.cablenet.co.uk> wrote:

> The new Crimewtime is out and about. There are always problems with
> distribution. Patience is required. I have my advance copy and so
> should you sdoon for your very own short story "One for The Road". I've not
> read it yet but will soon.

Ah--the advance copy! It all falls into place now (I had an e-note from
Peter D-P, about 'having lost my address', which would explain the
apparent delay).

Let me get my excuses in first re. 'One for the road'.

It's not a short story as such, more of a vignette; a little exercise I
set myself to see if I could 'do' something with characters, such as
move them around and use dialogue.

I was pleased to be able to find it a home in CT, and the more pleased
now I find it in such good company.

I do have a short story I'm trying to place at the moment: it's been
rejected by Do-Not (I offered to 'em as Fresh Blood fodder, but
apparently the Blood shouldn't be *too fresh*, but be about one
published novel old) and is currently with CT.

It's more experimental in terms of form--I actually think it's quite
good (but hey, that's just me) and there's some 'science' in it,
involving the extraction of arsenic from wood preservative, which might
seem a bit, well, unlikely; but the father-in-law's a chemist and it's
all been checked out with him, so the science, at least, is bona.

Maybe CT'll run it, or perhaps the Do-Not people will come up with the
idea of a collection they could call *Really* Fresh Blood ...


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|                The Big House of Knowledge                |
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