Re: RARA-AVIS: James Ellroy and Mosley

Thomas A. Jones (
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 00:43:43 -0400 The end of the movie version of Chandler's "The Big Sleep" was very
different from the novel. In the novel, it is clear that Carmen Sternwood
is responsible for the death of Rusty Reagan, and Marlowe is convinced he
has become part of the "nastiness." In the film, Eddie Mars is blamed for
killing Reagan (in this case Sean Reagan), and Marlowe and Vivian become
involved with each other. A much "happier" ending.
Does the ending of the film diminish the noirish aspects of the story
(can hard-boiled detective ficton have a "happy" ending)? And does that mke
it less intersting story?

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