Skinner is a personal friend of mine (at least I think so)
and probably
one of the foremost authorities on Chester Himes (he [Skinn]
wrote a
book about Himes) He is from New Orleans and is librarian at
University (originally an all-black university there). He got
Picture of Wes Ferrell on the cover out of a batch of photos
they were
cataloging and it simply had Wes Ferrell written on the back,
else. He decided then that he wanted to write about Ferrell
and hoped
that someone would see the name and write to him more about
Ferrell. Of
course, Skinner is very accessable and if you want to e-mail
him with
questions he will answer them promptly.
from Mari Hall
> Also, I've seen several listings for a _Phantom Lady_
by a William Irish.
> Please excuse my ignorance but is this one and the
same as Cornell
> Woolrich or a different author entirely?
> Thanks,
> Roger
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