We report circulation and turnover rate of new/old materials
to our
budget department, as a measure of our performance.
I have to balance budget concerns, space concerns, a diverse
quality, quantity, and when making selections.
I love my job, but it saddens me to see certain books
languishing. That
is one reason why I spend time trying to promote books. I
worry a
little about those authors who are dependent on the library
market. Even
though 40% of our fiction circ is mystery/suspense, it
doesn't seem like
there is a vast readership for some interesting authors -
even in a very
well educated community like the one I serve.
Ann, still cranky and most likely quite incoherent
MT wrote:
> Who (I'm barely refraining from saying "who was the
idiot") decided that books would stay in a library based on
number of readers?...I had
> no idea that university libraries were doing
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