William Holmes (kenoman@bigfoot.com)
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 21:54:50 -0700 Dear Reeves,

I agree with much of what you have posted to this mailing list.
I myself might remain subscribed but I probably will not contribute
another posting. I was under the misconception that this was a
group for writers as well as readers of hard boiled fiction. I
responded to a thread (as you well know) that involved the length
of novels these days as opposed to some years ago. My point was
that many novels these days seem to be written by committee. Of
course you and I understand that Clancy and Michener are not
hard boiled detective writers. The point of the thread is the
requirements of the current fiction marketplace, and the forces
acting upon it. Clancy and Michener are irrelevant except as
examples of this trend. I'm writing for the marketplace, and I need to
understand the marketplace to do so. Any debate in this area is helpful
to me as a writer.

Maybe we need to start our own list for writers of hard boiled


Bill Holmes
Give me the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cannot,
and a great big bag of money. -anon. 13 year old.
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