RARA-AVIS: Re: Enough already (was RTF)

ImTigger (ImTigger@goplay.com)
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 15:59:47 -0800 RMINOT@aol.com wrote on Wednesday September 9, 1998 at 2:19pm:
"Now by men-only club, I mean Misogynists, Inc.,
because that is the only reason I can think of that makes you misread,
misquote, misconstrue, and otherwise distort what I write."

Ease up. Bill was making a reminder announcement to the group, not
specifically to you. In the short time I've been on the list (what,
2-3 weeks now), I've read 2 accusations by you that it's a men's only
list or your comments were disregarded because you are a woman. I've
seen no evidence of that in this time. I suggest for whatever reason
you believe you are being misunderstood, to take it offline directly
with the offending party.

And now back to our regularly scheduled hard-boiled discussions...By
the way, I also read Because the Night by Elroy this weekend. Not
his best stuff (like th LA quartet & American Tabloid), but I really
like the extremely hard detective Lloyd whatshisname, even though
he's not one of those protagonists that the reader instantly
associates him/herself with.

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