>Being new to the list, I must say that I feel quite
inferior in the
>literate sense, especially in the hard-boiled arena.
I've gotten
>such a list of must-reads just from reading these
posts, that I'm not
>sure how I'll decide to approach them. Speaking of
which, I've got
>to get a copy of TPART this weekend and catch up. I
assume that
>common decency prevents anyone on this list from
actually identifying
>plot points such as, um, er, I don't know, say, the
>For fun and just for me to see the wide variety of
opinions (and help
>with prioritization), I'd like to pose a survey to the
list: Name
>your TOP 2 (and only 2) hard-boiled books, no top 2
institutional or
>other sub categories, your Top 2 favorites, period.
bill if this is
>too much of a traffic hog for the list, I'd be happy
to take them on
>private e-mail.
Well, I've been addicted to this stuff since I was about
years old and there are folks on this list who still dump
stuff on me that I
am unaware of. Not to metion that occassionally on or two of
the actual
authors post. But it seems to me that you have read the basic
stuff in the
My actual list of favorites would be all Hammett. But in
interest of fairness, I'll say that the best are Hammett's
_The Glass Key_
and Chandler's _Farewell, My Lovely_.
Hope I didn't spoil nything for you in discussing TPART. But
isn't a mystery, so it is part of the horror that you know
the killer even
before the killer does.
James Michael Rogers
Mundus Vult Decipi
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