<<I've never heard this one, and it looks like no-one
else can figure it
out. Spencer Tracy usually played scrappy little tough good
unlike Cagney's scrappy little tough bad guys. What someone
make of his movies to turn into a slang phrase, I couldn't
say. Would
a little more context help us?>>
Count me among the puzzled. What is baffling is that Tracy
was not a
film star when _Mistral_ was written - nor, I think, well
known enough
to be the object of a saying like Whitfield's. Perhaps
Whitfield is
referring to a sucessful theater production with Tracy in it,
or (long
shot) to *another* Spencer Tracy. Needless to say, my mind
draws a blank
regarding this putative namesake.
This sort of thing is maddening, the kind that makes you cop
an irate
hinge at the nature of language, bend the puss in a grimace
desperation, and perhaps even froth at the yap. In any case,
I'll keep
my peepers open.
Mario Taboada
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