Re: Re[2]: RARA-AVIS: Broadly speaking
Mark Sullivan (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:29:17 -0400 (EDT)
While I agree with what James has to say about serial killer
novels in
general and Block and Schutz in partticular, I want to clarify
my view
on "institutonal" detectives. While the Continental Op and the
Agency (I haven't read Nebel, although as often as his name
comes up, I
guess I should) do work for organizations, I would hardly say
behavior is as constrained as that of a rule-following FBI
agent as
Clarice was (now all of the renegade cops and Feds of Leonard
and others
is a whole 'nother thing). While admittedly a company man, the
Op was
able to accomplish what he did in Red Harvest because he was
outsider. And Kearny's men act as outsiders also, being car
thieves for
good. I would argue that in these cases the organizations
act as outsiders, not always bound by legal tactics. Their
goals may be
noble, but their means are sometimes questionable.
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