Re: RARA-AVIS: Dialect: SROs and fifths

Mari Hall (
Sun, 23 Aug 1998 16:12:14 -0700 William Denton wrote:
> Hi,
> In Block's Scudder books, there are often mentions of "SROs," which
> are some kind of hotel or boarding house. I'd only known this to
> stand for Standing Room Only, but an acronym web site turns up Single
> Room Occupancy. Is this what I'd call a bachelor apartment? One
> room, probably fairly small, with a mini-kitchen at one side (or maybe
> just a tip to go get a hot-plate) and a bathroom in a small little
> separate room? (Is this what they call a bed-sitter in the U.K.?)

Sarah Petetsky had this in one of her books about a woman who lived in a
"hotel" and it was "single residents only", so I would interpret this to
be only one person occupies the place, no matter the size; but I would
furrther think this would be indeed a small hotel type room, and no
cooking was allowed in Sarah's book (I forget which one, maybe BURN

from Mari Hall
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