> Are there any other books with alcoholic detectives?
I'd have a tough
> time thinking of any that don't drink, and hardboiled
types are
> notorious for drinking pretty heavily. They seem to
be able to put it
> back and never get drunk or go through all the
blackouts and vomiting
> that Scudder experiences.
Do hard-boiled types have to drink or have some other
chemical dependance
to be hard-boiled? Is a reformed heavy drinker enough ... or
does the
booze and/or drugs make or break the hard-boiledness of the
volente Deo,
jackechs@erols.com or ICQ #3717510
"You know how some people say they if they
couldn't write, they couldn't live? I don't get that. If
couldn't write, I'd go back to selling shoes. I have
three kids to support."
George P. Pelecanos, 1998
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