Re: RARA-AVIS: Are you experienced?

Mario Taboada (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 23:15:55 -0500 <<I'm testing a theory here: That hardboiled readers are hardboiled

Considering that Richard Prather, Mickey Spillane, and John D. MacDonald
- three very hardboiled authors - sold a combined total of about 200
million books, one would have to conclude that very large sectors of the
public are or were hardboiled... I don't have a theory except that
mysteries, including hardboiled ones, provide some sort of escapism for
a lot of people. The hardboiled experience may have very little to do
with the actual reader. It seems that the overwhelming majority of fans
of the hardboiled genre are males, although I don't know what
correlation this has with anything.


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