Gary Disher has written a series of excellent books including
"Kickback" and "Crosskill" all dealing with Wyatt : a usually
hard done
by armed robber. They share some similarities to the Parker
(heists going wrong, a self posessed anti-hero, etc) but
Wyatt is a
little less of a cardboard tough guy. Highly
Other than that, in recent years there's been a bit of a
flurry in the
hard boiled stakes but most of these are fairly ordinairy.
The best of
the bunch would probably be John Dale's "Dark Angel"...
PHil :
No Night Sweats :
Other anagrams to be found in the words Kew Rhone :
horn, honk, heron, hew, heener, hone,
owner, week, new, row, error, reek, whore.
You can no doubt eke out a couple more.
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