[amusing tale of not making out with dame deleted]
<<Anyway, we do read modern stuff.....if we have
I try to be on the lookout for new and good hardboiled
authors. But
nowadays there don't seem to be that many authors going that
though the number matters less than the quality (for example,
outstanding work of Mosley, mentioned often here and
discussed on the
reading list, so good that it virtually silences
There are also bandwagons - such as the serial killer thing.
How many
original books can you write with that theme? And a lot of
private eye novels aren't hardboiled (which doesn't mean they
good or even excellent).
I would like to follow up on someone's suggestion that we
look at
British hardboiled authors. Timlin is one I haven't read,
though I would
like to. Who publishes him in the United States? There was
discussion of
Derek Raymond some time ago, and someone pointed out that a
lot of his
stuff was out of print. If we could find a good one that's
available, he would be a natural candidate for
By the way, where is Russell James? He was among the first
to rara-avis, then seemed to disappear.
Mario Taboada
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