Re: RARA-AVIS: Out of Sight

Mark Sullivan (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 17:39:41 -0400 (EDT) Speaking of Carl Franklin, I really loved his earlier film One False
Move, co-written by and co-starring Billy Bob Thornton. The criminals
in this movie are real hard cases. During a drug dealer rip-off, one of
the characters puts plastic bags over the heads of his bound victims,
then tunrs his back on them to count the money, clearly bored. This
casual violence is far more upsetting than if he had gleefully watched
the victims slowly die, drooling over his excitement.

As I recall, it came out the same year as two other great hardboiled
movies, Reservoir Dogs, and the under-seen Laws of Gravity, a sort of
petty criminal remake of Mean Streets. The last was directed by Nick
Gomez, who went on to do New Jersey Drive and numerous episodes of
Homicide (as did John McNaughton of Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer).
It made for a great trilogy.


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