If i want to read fiction, i'll steal it from a crippled
newsboy! (Is
that hard-boiled enough?)
I enjoyed Out Of Sight; it may have been the only
character-driven summer
movie. Didn't even mind the happy ending. But I noticed many
people had
trouble with the flashbacks. Oh, well. Leonard doesn't do
well in film;
a tough translation perhaps.
I tried reading the new Connelly book, Blood Work, but gave
up within the
first fifty pages. The hero seemed that same self-righteous
self-pitying prig I've seen in his other works. I'm thinking,
this guy
just got a heart transplant and he's kvetching!! So I went
and read edna
Buchanan's new book, about a guy who gets a heart transplant.
Buchanan's writing a book that's plot-driven and it DRAGS! So
I went out
to the library and got a handful of A. W. Gray's Bino books.
You'll never
feel the same about Kenneth Starr after you read Bino's
I have a thoretical question to ask. Over the last weekend
suggested that the American PI is a coyote figure:
opportunistic, shifty, etc. Any thoughts?
Frederick Zackel
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