Re: RARA-AVIS: Martha Stewart
Mario Taboada (
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 05:36:38 +0000
I must have been out of it - too absorbed in hardboiled things
and the
like - but I hadn't heard of Martha Stewart until my wife
decided to
repaint our farmhouse, barns, and so on. Then I started hearing
reading her name everywhere. She seems to give advice on how to
and remodel, and has launched her own brand of colors. The
colors aren't
bad, though they are clearly directed at the yuppie guppy. For
a while,
there was also a book by her lying around. Shit, I may even end
painting my house one of those indefinite yellow-brown pastels.
To think
that I wanted burnt orange or harvest red...
I have reread the Willeford book - comments tomorrow or the
day after.
Mario Taboada (who thinks this post minimally qualifies as a
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