RE: RARA-AVIS: First two Willeford books

DigitaLpostmodernist (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 12:49:07 +0100 Hello there!

Thought that List members might be interested
in the following missive which came via:

THE WEB Magazine's Cool Web Site of the Day
And now for today's cool web site...

Next time you're at the beach, take a look around and glance at what
the people surrounding you are reading. Grisham? Steven King? Probably
not Pit Stop Nympho or The Case of the Crumpled Knave. But there was a
time--thankfully long, long ago--where pulp fiction titles such as
those were all the rage, daddy-o. Now there's a site dedicated to
preserving (and of course, selling) these memories of yesteryear's
dog-eared tomes. Enter Pulp Fiction Postcards, selling not only
postcards adorned with titles like Shameless Honeymoon and Black
Opium, but key chains, T-shirts, and more. The ordering process is
hardly modern though, as you must print out the order form and fax
your order to the company. Even if you don't buy a postcard, you can
electronically send a free pulpy postcard to your hip wired buds.

If you go to:
you'll find a 'postcard' illustration of the book 'Hard Boiled'...

This missive came from
M i c h a e l J o v i c:

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