> Most of Howard's characters have some bit of
hard-boiled about them. Bran
> Mac Morn is one. Solomon Kane is another, a dour
hard-boiled Puritan
> obsessed with hunting down supernatural evils. It's
been awhile since I
> last read Howard's "Gordon of the Desert" stories --
the character is based
> loosely on a Lawrence of Arabia figure, but also has
elements of Talbot
> Mundy's JimGrim novels -- but I think you'd find some
hard-boiled elements
> there, as well.
> I'm not familiar with Cormac Fitzgeoffrey. Who's he?
-- Duane
Fitzgeoffrey was a crusader character featured in several
tales set in the Outremer in the Holy Land. The tales were
in Grant's HAWKS OF THE OUTREMER, now out of print. He is one
Howard's toughest and most ruthless characters.
Larry Rickert
PC Training and Consulting
Snail mail: 30 Highland Place
Brooklyn, NY 11208
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