RARA-AVIS: Hammer of the Japs (War fear in mystery fiction)

ejm duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:56:26 -0700 On Sat, 11 Jul 1998, "J. Alec West" <alecwest@pacifier.com> wrote:

> However, when the "roundups" started for
> the internment camps, there was a government raid on their store ... and
> in their upstairs apartment, agents discovered military documents of the
> Japanese government, a rather sophisticated shortwave transmitter/receiver
> and detailed reports on shipping activity in and out of Portland.

Just a thought, but is the 'evidence' of spying merely 'gossip' or is
there some verifiable evidence that spying actually took place?
What I'm wondering is, did the local community *need* to tell itself
such a story (or was the story planted to ensure that it was told?); in
other words, is it a post-facto validation of the 'round-up' policy?


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