Re: RARA-AVIS: Wambaugh wobbles, but he don't fall down...
James Rogers (
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 14:56:43 -0500 (CDT)
At 03:43 PM 7/7/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Kevin Smith wrote:
>: Perhaps the best true crime book I read was Redrum by
Kirk Makin,
>: about a guy accused of murdering the little girl next
door. He's
>: since been proved innocent by DNA, but he went through
a couple of
>: trials, and served time, before eventually being
cleared of all
>: charges... (No double jeopardy in Canada; if it had
been the States,
>: he's probably have fried by now...).
>We do have double jeopardy rules, as far as I know. I
e-mailed a
>couple of lawyer friends about this, but they haven't
replied yet. A
>quick web search turned up the fact that the Morin had a
second trial
>because the Supreme Court ruled the judge in the first
case had erred
>when giving instructions to the jury. He'd been found
not guilty, but
>had to go through it all again, but was found guilty the
second time.
>As you say, it's a fascinating case.
>has some facts and links.
>A good, tough private dick would really have
>William Denton | Toronto, Canada |
| Caveat lector.
> "Let's keep the party polite."
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James Michael Rogers
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