: Has anyone read Herron's biography "Willeford"? Is it
There's been some talk on the list - check the February 1998
I'd recommend it, certainly, but there are better books
Willeford to be written. Herron heisenbergs all over the
book, which
I found off-putting. I think generally people thought it was
a lot
better than nothing.
: I'd like to read some of Willeford's short stories. Is
there any
: source for these?
Dennis McMillan (publisher of _Willeford_) still has
Metamorphosis_ in print, I think, and you may be able to
scrounge up a
copy of _The Machine in Ward Eleven_ for not too much if you
around. Those are the only easy sources I know.
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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