: Here's an example, I think, of hard-boiled nonfiction: Nick
: biography of Dean Martin, "Dino". I haven't read the whole
: yet, but it's a pretty unflinching look at Martin's private
: the story behind that public persona of the lovable lush
that marked
: most of his later career.
I didn't read all of _Dino_ too closely, but I did like it. I
know what Tosches' style is usually like, but this book
reminded me of
Ellroy. Interesting way of doing a bio, and it worked very
I'm interested to hear what other books people think of,
because I'm
stuck. What kind of topics are appropriate? Biography, crime,
politics, things like that, I guess. I can't imagine what
hardboiled math textbook would be like. Then again, I can
think of a
good title for a book on ornithology.
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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