RARA-AVIS: Availability

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:18:28 -0500 I had the same problem a few months back trying to locate the Himes
book...I prowled all over town looking for the damn thing, and finally a
pal of mine at the local mystery bookstore took pity on me and lent me his

Of course, you can probably find any book on the web using P.I.E.S. or the
Advanced Book Exchange or something like that, but it's still nice to go to
your local store and pick up something and read it when you get home, not
hang around waiting for the postman to ring even once....

So, let this be a lesson to you young whippersnappers: if you want to read
a book on the list, start looking for it yesterday...

Kevin Smith
The Thrilling Detective Web Site

No Business For a Lady? Women Detectives in this month's P.I. Poll!
There's still some time to vote!

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