Goulds original motif was to show the crooks getting theirs.
He said he
would show the bullets going through the body. Not only was
he physically
tough, but had tough morals. His favorite hate was easy
money. Even Juniors
inheirtance from his real father was to easily gotten for
Tracys taste.
As for the name Dick as a euphemism for detective policeman.
This was used
by pulps and movies to mean cop. That is why PI's were called
dicks. As an example when Chet Gould submitted the his
detective strips to
Capt Patterson of the Tribune it was called Plainclothes
Tracy. Patterson
had Gould change the name to Dick Tracy or Detective Tracy.
Glad he did
would like to be known as "Plain."
Tracy once used napalm on criminals in a story in the early
sixties. That's
Joseph M
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