>I've read just "Greenwich Killing Time" myself (and I
remember liking it
>more than I thought I would) but a friend just brought
me back a signed
>copy of "Road Kill," the latest. It says Kinky's
written 10 books now, but
>lists only "Greenwich...," "The Love Song of J. Edgar
Hoover" (one of the
>great book titles I know), "God Bless John Wayne,"
"Armadillos & Old Lace,"
>and "Elvis, Jesus & Coca-Cola." I don't know the
other four titles.
>Daniel Sevitt wrote:
>>I know things are kind of busy at the moment, but
can anyone tell me stuff
>>about Kinky Friedman or is he too low-brow for
discussion. I just read
>>Greenwich Killing Time which I think was his first
book, this afternoon and
>>enjoyed the wisecracks even if the plot had a few
holes. Any
>>info/bibliography greatly appreciated.
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