>Y'know, I read both Streeter novels a couple of months
ago and I really
>enjoyed them. *Both* of them. I just checked the new
one out of the
>library & I'm sure I'll enjoy that one too. Don't
ask me to explain
>myself, because I can't remember exactly what I
enjoyed about them,
>though. Geeze, since everybody hated it so much, do I
feel like a rube!
Hate's a bit strong, James--as is rube. I enjoyed the
plotting in the
novel, even while I thought the characterization was flat.
And it was a
pleasure to see a genuinely incompetent killer. (I gather
that crimes have
more incompetence in them than most novels would admit,
though the same
novels display police incompetence regularly.)
I too will read more Streeters. But only when they happen to
be on a
library shelf or in a cheap used edition.
Bill Hagen
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