RARA-AVIS: What is a 'dickless reality'?

ejm duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 16:34:52 -0700 On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, pw@pw.cablenet.co.uk wrote:

> Sorry about this but I'm new to the list and, to say the least, this
> needs to be explained - any offers?

Hello Pete,

Welcome back. The subject line (which, truth be told, can be pretty
misleading on this list) is my fault. There was a slight difference of
opinion over (I think this is right, I'm sure someone'll shout if it's
not) the interpretation of the status of female/feminist discourse
apropos hard-boiled ecriture.

The thread developed into a bit of a free-for-all and I must say I was
fascinated and excited by some of the contributions. If my print
cartridge wasn't screwed I'd compile a set of print-outs and read
through 'em all again. There's all sorts of interesting stuff that
I'd've liked to've covered in my detective fiction course.

I don't know how long it takes for this stuff to get archived, you could
have a look there or, if you prefer, I could forward you the last 3-4
day's digests which are still in my in-box.

Bill killed the thread, which did run itself out, although there's still
some interesting stuff going on in a sub-thread that has 'in a pomo
world' appended to the subject line.

Eddie Duggan

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