sarah matthews (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:51:08 -0700 Inspired by recent discussion/recommendations on the list, I went into
the local Comics Shop to browse _Gangland_ and _Stray Bullets_. There
was a _Stray Bullets_ collection, but as it was priced at over twenty
beer-tokens I left it on the shelf. There was an interesting-looking
large-format copy of _Hard Boiled_ (shrinkwrapped, natch) also with an
asking price twenty smackers---and I'm talking about pounds here, not
dollars, you understand---that too is still on the shelf (I'll wait till
it's all runkled and reduced to clear at a tenner... mebbe I should go
back and runkle it myself tomorrow...)

I picked up a copy of Gang Land #1 which I've yet to peruse; and a copy
of _Hard Boiled_ #3 at 10p --- I'm *sure* #1 and #2 are in the boxes,
I'll just hafta go back and find 'em. Also grabbed a couple of issues
of _Love and Rockets_ again at ten-pence apiece.

Prize catch though was a graphic novel, _The Bogie Man_
This contains two stories, 'The Bogie Man' and 'The Bogieman:
Chinatoon'. Essentially, the first story is a transposition of The
Maltese Falcon to Glasgow, 1990---kind of. It's a very well done piece
of post-modern pastichery; neat art-work and one or two nice touches,
like the Fabrini Bros lorry firm.

It is published in Canada even though it is a Scots piece. I should
warn anyone who sees a copy though, DON'T READ THE BLURB ON THE BACK!
It's a spoiler for the first thirty pages. A good fun read however,
especially when there's still a pile of exam papers and essays to be
marked ;->

Eddie Duggan

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