RARA-AVIS: I Was Donna Suarez

sarah matthews (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Tue, 09 Jun 1998 10:20:52 -0700 On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, SYNEFROG@aol.com wrote, albeit under a misleading
subject line:

> << Derek Raymond's "I Was Dora Suarez>>
> i just finished this book in french and the author was always known in france
> as robin cook...went to stores inus to try to find his books under robin cook
> (the english 'version') but nobody could find it in their computers
> (borders....) should i ask under derek raymond...i would like to give this as
> presents to friends ...for their birthday!...

Yes, ask for Derek Raymond. My copy is published in the UK by Abacus.
There is a blurb from the NY Times Book Review on the front cover. As
the NYTBR has made a lot of its reviews available on line, I should
check out their site (sorry --- URL's in my other bookmarks file).

I've just finished Ellroy's _Blood on the Moon_ (the first in the Lloyd
Hopkins/LA Noir Trilogy). The similarity between _Blood on the Moon_
and _I Was Donna Suarez_, in terms of the relationship between the cop
and the deceased is quite remarkable. Without doing too much of a
'spoiler', the relationship is one of obsessive love for the
deceased---way short of necrophilia, but an easy qualifier for the
'psychologically disturbed' category: the cop showers the corpse of the
victim (previously unknown to him) with hugs and affectionate words, and
later the cop's obsessive drive is fuelled by his pledge of vengeance.
Can anyone say whether this a standard generic feature of the 'serial
killer' cycle?

Eddie Duggan

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