>From: Mari
>Sent: Wednesday, 03 June, 1998 9:48 AM
>To: rara-avis@icomm.ca
>Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: PI Writers and Stone
>Levin, Doug wrote:
>> >Add Shamus award-winning John Straley to the
list of PIs who write.
>Yes, and if you didn't know, he and the coffee people,
Raven's Brew, did
>a series of "installments" packaged in the coffee with
6 packages of
>coffee and the story, came monthly. They may do it
again. Had Ray
>Troll's wonderful artwork on the packages and in the
booklet (it was
>about 6 or 8 pages as if 8-1/2 x 11 had been folded in
fourths and was
>brown like a coffee filter). Not a very deep
story-line, about a guy who
>is murdered and lingers in the world between dead and
not dead to find
>out who murders him.
>from Mari Hall
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