RARA-AVIS: ominbuses

Stephen Holden (s.holden@lcpdt.linst.ac.uk)
Fri, 29 May 1998 14:50:38 -0700 <<Personally, I'd like to see omnibus volumes of works by writers who
seem to fall out of print frequently -- Woolrich is an obvious example,
and I'm sure other pulp-related crime writers would be "usual suspects"
for a short list. Any other recommended candidates for omnibus
volumes? -- Duane>>

Yes, there seem to be a lot of omnibus volumes in the UK. You can get
Block's first three Scudder books in one volume, for instance, and I've
seen collections of Goodis, Horace McCoy, Cain, W.R.Burnett, Crumley and

Somebody mentioned Max Byrd recently on the list. I wouldn't mind
seeing his three Haller novels in one volume. Also, the Saratoga novels
of Stephen Dobyns.

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