<<I thought the first book in this series was a mess,
but it might be of
interest to horror/fantasy readers. I have the second book to
review for
MYSTERY NEWS, but if I can't be kind I may not bother sending
in the
review. Best, GWN.
Three-quarters of the way through CELESTIAL DOGS, I'm afraid
I must agree with
you. There's a long four or five page passage replete with
"It's my
fault"--"No, it's my fault"--"No, no, it's my fault" (those
who have read the
book know what I'm talking about). The book also degenerates
into your basic
"PI wants to get into the pants of his client" drivel. That's
not to say that
I don't still see some potential--there ARE a few good
subplots--but the book
sure took a dive after the first half.
Peter Enfantino
Deadline Press
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