RARA-AVIS: Spade and women
joseph (joseph@sos.net)
Sun, 24 May 1998 00:12:09 +0100
One of my feelings about hard boiled noir, especially films, is
that Spade
was an unusual guy. He did lust after Bridgett, but he wouldn't
play the
sap for as all of the other men did. Even Marlowe tended to
play the sap
for women. Even, if in the end he held enough of himself back
so he
wouldn't go down with them. So without a Spade around that was
the end for
the men. In the movie "Last Seduction" that was sort of
Bridgitt O'
Shaunesy unchained.
The "Long Goodbye" is my favorite Chandler novel. A very deep
story all the more poignant knowing that as he was writing
the story
Chandler's wife was dying.
Joseph M
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