Re: RARA-AVIS: Powers Marlowe

Fri, 22 May 1998 21:32:01 -0700 Okay, I did some (minor) research. The Boothe/Marlowe series was made
for HBO. The Martin/Porter Video Guide lists two episodes, THE PENCIL
and FINGER MAN, as being released in 1983. I have RED WIND on tape (the
last half at least) and the copyright on that one reads 1986. Paragon
Motion Pictures produced the series (I assume heavily subsidized by HBO)
and it appears to have been shot in Canada. They were appoximatey 55
minutes in length. Someone on the list said there were six episodes.
Anyone know the titles of the other three? And were they really shot
over a three year period?

If this has been discussed at length while my back was turned could
someone answer off-list?


(suffering from Old Timer's disease)
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